Sunday, February 21, 2010

To the mean man at the movie today

So I just got back from watching Shutter Island at the movie theater. I must tell you that it is a VERY good movie, and I do recommend it. But my movie going experience was tainted by a meanie of a man. Yes I said meanie of a man. During the previews the song "Mad World" played. This song is originally done by Tears for Fears but then covered by Gary Jules for the movie Donnie Darko. Now I just couldn't think of the movie that it was in (Donnie Darko if you follow). So I sent a text message to ask. While I was awaiting the response, I remembered and sent a follow up text expressing that. Whilst in the middle of my text, the man behind me leans forward and says in a rude tone, "MA'AM TURN OFF YOUR CELL PHONE. I PAID TO SEE A MOVIE NOT THE SCREEN OF YOUR CELL PHONE," to which I responded, "Sir, give me a minute and I will." The opening credits had just started and I was just sending the text to communicate I had answered my own question. It was really quite innocent. So here is my letter to the meanie of a man saying what I wish I would have said,

Dear Meanie of a Man,

You are not nice. I was just sending a text and then I would have been done. You are a big doo doo head and I don't like you. I hope you trip and tear a nice piece of clothing on your way out and you feel really upset about it. And I hope you lose a button too! Also, I think you need to look within yourself and think about who you are, Mr. Grumpkis. I am a nice lady and you are not. Also you kicked my chair twice. And I didn't pay for that. Where's my refund?! I'll accept sunshine, butterflies and smiles. I don't think you can afford that though, so I'll accept credit card or cash in their place.

Suck it.

m.dek (that's my rap name)


here's hoping that karma exists.


seashmore said...

You tell him m.dek!

Linz said...

I like both your letter and your rap name. Kudos to you!